Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I made jam :)

Sorry for the hokey title this week, I just can't seem to think of anything clever, and I'm sleepy right now, so that doesn't help!  But, I did make jam this morning... I know it is nothing like the hundreds of jars my parents make this time of year, but it's my little posse!  The flavor is apple pie, and it smelled divine!  I have also found recipes for carrot cake jam and pumpkin pie jam.  Which means, I need to make some more cinnamon swirl bread :)

Jeremy took this picture for me, because I felt everyone needed to see how I showered almost everyday.  You must ensure that both doors are closed tightly if you want to shower alone :)

J coached TW's soccer game at some point (they won)!

Uncle T... this is for you!

Smaug has been sleeping sideways in his bed (and not fitting)... so since all the other kids moved to big beds about now, we set up his bed (he's doing okay in it)!

Now his bed is the cool hang out place (even for dinosaurs)!!!

The boys feet were dirty... J ("wisely") sent them to wash their feet before dinner (by themselves)... as you can imagine, it turned into a shower.

Since Smaug is no longer caged in, he gets out of bed when he wakes up in the morning.  Yesterday (at 6:10, he came to see me on the treadmill.  He happily played for the 15 minutes I had left... although I did have a mess to clean up afterwards!

J took this picture.  I was making kool-aide for him and refilling the sugar container at the same time... not a wise idea.

In case you haven't seen my Facebook posts, we've been visited by a wild pig two nights in a row.  Those windows are to both the girls and boys rooms... nobody heard a thing!

We went to a birthday party today... Smaug was perfectly content to scoop away in the sand :)

In Other News:  I got nothing.  Sorry :)

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