This post is about the house, because people ask "how's the house?". And, since I work on the house and forget to take pictures, I decided to take pictures and not work today :)
In case you missed the Facebook post, J and I finally got the tiles up in the kids bathroom. Up, grouted, sealed, caulked, cleaned, everything. They'll be taking their first showers there tomorrow night (tonight is pizza and movie night)!!! Woo hoo, no more kids in my shower :) Didn't J do a good job with the niche??? Shampoo bottles on the window drive me nuts. Then, it occurred to me yesterday while I took a shower, that having 5 teenage kids (because they'll be there one day) in one shower will probably require more than the two bottles of "stuff" they use now... we'll cross that bridge later *sigh*.
Pictures dark, sorry, I forgot to change the setting on the camera, and I don't feel like going outside to fix it :) These are my Mother's Day flowers (there are 5). I "tilled" all this weedy earth by hand and then the planted the new plants, which will, in time, cover the ground in cute, purpley/blue flowers :)
The chicks are growing! They spent some time outside today while I cleaned their garage pen (messy birds)! We saw a hawk flying with a baby bird the other day while the mama bird squealed after it... I won't be leaving the chicks outside for very long just yet!!!
This is one of the blue cochins. She's mad at me for taking her picture, but her feet are soooooo fluuuuffffyyy!!!
"Our" cabinet guy brought our new cabinets. J still has to cut down the counter top and we have to put in the drawer pull... but the kitchen is no longer gap-toothed. P.S. Those are the new ovens in case you haven't seen them! They work great... unless you put your chicken wings in the oven that has been preheated for the fries and the fries in the chickens preheat oven... then you might have an issue or two... not that I would know anything about that.
The carpenters also cut down two cabinets. The one above the microwave used to be double the size. Now, next rainy day, I suppose J will be at the wall with a sledge hammer making the opening bigger :)
Well, I ran out of pictures. J and TW are taking a load of junk that has overrun the trailer to the junk yard so that we can then use the trailer to return the 2 extra sheets of backer board we didn't need for the shower and pick up the floor tile. It turns out cleaning "accidents" up off a concrete floor is almost as difficult as cleaning them up off of carpet. With 5 kids in one house, someone has an accident at least once a day, usually small, or localized to the toilet seat, but on the big days -
In Other News: You can see the bottom of the pool, apparently sand likes to hang out down there, it's almost like being at the beach and swimming in the ocean (okay, not really that bad) :)
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