Monday, March 18, 2013

A Quick Update

We have been super busy the past few weeks.  Daddy went back to work, but we have kept up our school schedule and still try to run a little bit of "stuff" to the new house.  One evening, when we pulled up, we had a new roof :)  So exciting!!!!

Another visit, we found handles in the bathtub.  We have since discovered that the over flow thing we have to replace is not standard (another trip to the hardware store, I suppose) and when I cleaned the tiles this weekend, I found that the lower left corner is flexible, so before the kids get any showers (which is how they normally bathe), we'll need to pull out the tile, replace the back and then re-tile.  When I say "we", I mean J... he's so good :)

We were very ecstatic to see our shower coming together ;)

Did I mention TW has started soccer again?  Practices are Mondays and Wednesday evening (Daddy is coaching!).  On Wednesdays, the girls have speech, so I take most of the kids with me.  And since, there are 3 to entertain at a time in a very small room, I take a movie with us... they think it's great!

The following pictures are all from yesterday.  Sunday afternoon seems to be the only day now we can guarantee some work time.  Smaug was super tired (despite a good snooze through church), and I made  him have some quiet time in the pack-n-play... obviously sleep overcame play :)

We have dumped copious amounts of pool chemicals in the pool and the color is up to "normal". 

J has also been diligently scraping up crud from the bottom and running the filter every time we are at the house.  The base pool opens April 1, we'll see if we're up and running by then too :)

While putzing around, I decided to go spy out the BBQ shack (very cautiously, just in case there were spiders).  I was so brave, I even went inside, but only because I saw...

... this!  And guess what, it works!  So, If I get really desperate or irked at the burners in the kitchen, I can go outside :D

I also spied this little seat :)

And, just so you know, the toilet in the master bath used to be pink, to match the bathtub I suppose...

Here is the shower now... it is supposed to be grouted today and then they can put in the glass!  See that electrical outlet?  It had to be redone because it was too short, my special guy did it all by himself (thanks to his military training he was up for the task)!!!  He's so handy, I think I'll keep him :p

Smaug woke up!

Did I mention the painter has been hard at work?

Now, about the fridge... it's here... and a cabinet guy came out yesterday to give us a quote for some work, if that is any indication on how it's going... *sigh*

In Other News:  I'll tell you more next time :)  Duh Duh Duh!!!!!!!!!

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