Several people have asked me what I do all day, or how I do it... in reference to staying at home and dealing with triplets. So, I have decided to chronicle, as best I can, today's activities (at least up until this point, who know's if I will remember to update this later today)...
Let's just start at midnight...
Ephraim is crying, why? After a while, I get up to check on him, pat his back and groggily head back to bed... he wimpers a while and goes back to sleep.
Is he crying again? Sheesh, I just got back to sleep. Wait, that sounds like Blythe. Is it? Yes. Oh, I hope she didn't throw up again. I walk into the room, sniffing for vomit. Nope, but I smell poop. Blythe? Yes. I take her downstairs and change the diaper... stinky! Back to bed.
Why I am awake?
Why is Jeremy getting up? Oh yeah, basketball. Back to "sleep"
"Mama, is it okay if I lay in here?" "yesh". Hit in the face with a dinosaur.
Get up. Go potty (I have a 4 year old)
Get Ephraim (who woke up and screamed)as soon as my big toe hit the floor.
Uh Oh, Miriam's up too... please don't cry when I leave, please don't cry when I... ugh, please don't wake up Blythe, please don't wake up Blythe. Phew.
Prepare hot cocoa, eat some crackers, feed Ephraim, read my Bible, change E's diaper (p.u.), get Miriam, get caffeine, get more crackers, feed Miriam, check e-mail, listen to the news, change Miriam's diaper (p.u.), get Blythe up, collect clothes for the kids, feed Blythe, change Blythe's diaper (p.u.).
Give E his medicine, pick up toys, put darks in the washer, put laundry in dryer, put diapers away, take full laundry basket upstairs, put away clothes. Change babies clothes, search for ball.
Start breakfast, Jeremy is home now. Oatmeal... sorry I forgot to start the tater tots earlier. Prepare food, babies to highchairs, food to the table.
Eat breakfast, play backgammon (I win!), clear table, babies to naps, family Bible study, read Morgan a story, play with the Geoboard with Morgan, put away felt board pieces from yesterday, tape box for felt board.
Jeremy leaves for work for a "half hour", sort out budget cash, clean bathroom (good cleaning, the toilet is super stinky), dust master bedroom, sweep master bedroom.
Get in shower, ignore E's screams to get up
Get E and Miriam up, prepare milk for Miriam, unearth computer, start feeding babies, blog...
Take laundry basket upstairs, fill with whites, carry Blythe and cleaning tub down (had to wake the poor girl up, she's fighting something). Start feeding Blythe, check Facebook.
8:15 pm
Well, my intent was good... but we ended up leaving the house around noon and not getting back until 6:30. We headed to DM to Unca Matthews to work on his cabinets... poor guy claims to be able to sleep through anything... apparently 3 babies and a 4 year old are beyond "anything"... I'll try again some day :)