Four years ago today, Jeremy and I were hanging out at Chesapeake General Hospital with our fresh-out-of-the-box baby boy! It seemed to take forever to have that kid, and there was a lot of heart ache along the way... but God provided and though he (Morgan) drives us to distraction most days, it's a distraction I can, and love, to live with.
So, in honor of the big 0-4, I have concocted a cake... not just any cake, but a strawberry hill cake. A strawberry hill cake with white dot icing. A strawberry hill cake with white dot icing, and green sugar sprinkles. Why the green? Because it's grass, and grass grows along train tracks, and perched upon our train tracks is "Diesel" (Morgan informed me that we needed a Diesel because he's the "mean train" and we didn't have one yet). We also have a George on the cake. This will be George's third birthday (well, actually, this is only this particular George's 2nd birthday because Bing and Zoro ate the first George (dogs)). I could not, in good conscious, leave the monkey out, and I suppose, Morgan will be celebrating his big 4-0 with George also.
Sigh... in the words of Jeremy, "I love that kid".
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