Tuesday, January 31, 2012

So, I know I have been totally delinquent on my posts... but... Smaug has been waking to eat in the middle of the night, and then waking up early to eat again, everyone has been sick with 1) colds and 2) the stomach "crud" which has resulted in a lot of changed bedding and underwear, and the laundry associated with that.  Daddy is back in school mode which means he leaves before breakfast and gets home in time for dinner.  In other words, my excuse is, I have been tired, and blogging is just not up on my priority list.  However, I do have some pictures here to share :)

I think everyone was undressing so that they could change into jammies... these three decided to help Smaug out ;)

Speaking of Smaug, he started to roll over... he can get across the room, if he is so inclined!

He's moving around, but not gaining weight fast enough... so he's had to go to the doctors office for weight checks, about weekly... and since he goes, we all go!

TW built this tree during nap time one afternoon.

We bought little metal mail boxes for Valentines Day and decorated them with stickers :)

TW tested his reflexes with Daddy's help!

We've been reading Swiss Family Robinson, and started a little project... it's still sitting in an orange bucket on my stove, waiting to be finished...

Smaug played on the floor while I was making dinner one day... this is his new quilt from Miss W... actually this is the bottom side... 

Smaug (boy, there's a lot of pictures of this one this time) fell asleep in the carrier one day... he was fussy, poor guy!

TW lost his very first (which really was the very first tooth he got)!!!  He also had a cavity, which was filled!!!  Brave kid!!!

In exchange, he got a gold dollar!

TW also built us a bridge...

... a tee pee...

... a teeter totter...

 ...dressed up for math one day...

... and gave his brother a spider tattoo... which, said brother, did not like.  At all.

Isn't he cute?  I set the giraffe on his lap (it plays music), and he pulled it up to snuggle.  Part of Smaug's cold made him too snuffly to sleep in bed, which is why he's sleeping in the car seat.

I took this picture a different day... Mr. E sleeps the same way, still.

We had to pick up some more medicine one evening... these two were being very good while I stood in the first line, please disregard the finger up the nose... they've had colds :)

In Other News:  Happy February tomorrow!!!

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